iGame3D Subversion Instructions

To make life easier and reduce confusion here is the guide on how to check out iGame3D on OS X and on Windows.
On both systems you will need Subversion (svn).

Under Mac OS X open up a terminal window and cd (change directory) to the place where you want iGame3D stored.
Then enter the followingcode:

svn co https://igame3dsource.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/igame3dsource/ig3d_mac_xcode ig3d_mac_xcode
cd ig3d_mac_xcode
svn co https://igame3dsource.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/igame3dsource/Data Data

After that open up the .xcodeproj and build iGame3D.
You can run it from there as well.
NOTE: the actual player is in build/Development/
Don't try to run the player at the root directory.

Under Windows, open the system console and also cd (change directory) to
the place where you want iGame3D stored.
Then enter the following code:

svn co https://igame3dsource.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/igame3dsource/ig3d_win_mingw ig3d_win_mingw
cd ig3d_win_mingw
svn co https://igame3dsource.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/igame3dsource/Data Data

Then you can use MingW/MSYS to build the player.exe or simply use the one that comes with the source.

Page update January 2013